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March 2025 – 6

a year long journey

Only £195. Book here before the 20th of March 2025

solo online course in your own time


A NEW FEATURE ‘Witnessing Moons’

online monthly circle including guided creative practises


Welcome to the Thirteen Moons Journey, where concentric circles of supportive women await you……

(Alma Thomas, 1891 – 1978, Lunar Rendezvous, Circle of Flowers)

(Alma features towards the end of our journey) (SCROLL DOWN TO SEE MORE OF THE ARTISTS JOINING US)

Thirteen Moons Journey is a creative exploration of personal discovery, supported by the moon cycles and inspiring female artists

Thirteen Moons is about: Connecting with our feminine energy, the energy of the earth, of the moon and of all the women who exist and have existed before us.

Moving with the changes of the stars, conscious and wise, without resistance. A time to reflect and observe the creative force that resides in all of us, through the works of female artists who have left their mark on the earth through art,

inviting us to awaken, to heal and to live without fear of who and what we really are.” (from one of last years participants)


for only £195 you will receive:

  • 12 (monthly) 20 to 30 page PDF with information, questions, images, exercises to work through in your own time
  • more than 20 audio recordings of this information
  • a free one to one session to check in half way through the journey
  • the option to participate in monthly online live 2 hour workshops based on the themes described in the monthly PDF
  • a chance to be witnessed in your journey within a safe circle of women



We create time to nourish our bodies in movement, visual art: painting, collage, drawing, photography and written word.

This journey is not ‘therapy’, but the journey will surely be therapeutic. Therapeutic for body, soul and spirit.

It is an intimate journey, a year long conversation for you to have with yourself.

This cycling with the moon, this ancient art of living, will help us to create a sacred sanctuary for ourselves to keep our flame of inspiration burning. Inspiration of and with ourselves. Inspiration: to breathe into life.

This journey should not be an extra demand on your time.

Rather, it is about finding a way to integrate deep, ancient time.

Slowly, step by step.

You, dear woman, dear cycling, generous being,

You do not need any more pressure in your life.

Allow yourself to hear and read what calls to you.

Leave the rest.

Here there is time.

This is a journey of a lifetime.

Allow yourself to take the radical step towards and understanding of what it means to slow down and truly care for yourself.


Many of these women have tragic stories. Their wisdom comes from how they lived and what they might say to us from beyond life, what their stories speak to for our contemporary lives today.

Most of them were chosen by Paloma Todd Montes (instagram @soberaniacreativa), my dear Puerto Rican friend and mentor who gifted me her research and wisdom. Much of the content of the written part of the course is her words translated and interpreted by me.

She chose these artists because of her interest in the Surrealist Movement, and also what information she could find about female artists that was available in Spanish.

We begin our journey together with Puerto Rican poet, Julia de Burgos (1914 -1953).

In this Aries new moon we set the intention to strengthen our sense of self. We begin to liberate our stories so that we can engage with the present and look forward to what awaits us.

Quote from poem ‘I Was My Own Route’

…..a feeling that surged
from the balance between my life
and the truth of the kiss of the new paths.

Already my course now set in the present,
I felt myself a blossom of all the soils of the earth,
of the soils without history,
of the soils without a future,
of the soil always soil without edges
of all the men and all the epochs.

And I was all in me as was life in me…

I wanted to be like men wanted me to be:
an attempt at life;
a game of hide and seek with my being.
But I was made of nows;
when the heralds announced me
at the regal parade of the old guard,
the desire to follow men warped in me,
and the homage was left waiting for me.”

With the new moon in Taurus, we meet Ana Mendieta (1948- 1985), she works with earth, plants, fire and her own body encouraging us to delve into the mystery of ourselves as part of the Great Mother Earth

We ask ourselves……

How was my birth?

How did I arrive in life?

Am I afraid to be born into my life today?

Am I afraid of my truth?

What in my life is asking you for bravery, courage?

With the new moon in Cancer we meet Leonora Carrington (1917 – 2011) who invites us to see self care as a process of decolonising the mind.

We settle into the medicine of offering ourselves

from a place of love,

and not struggle.

from abundance and not lack

from gentleness and not harshness

from gentleness and not bitterness

from self-care and not abandonment.

In sovereignty and not in dependence.

Our offering is a medicine that is born of joy


We end with a look at a circle Palestinian artists, whose creative fire shines brightly despite the war and destruction surrounding them.

Their stories speak for themselves.

Heba Zagout (1984 – 2023)


I would encourage you, en-courage you, to keep your own counsel for the first year, for the Thirteen Moons.

For now, keep this as a gift from you to you,

to later be a part of your gift to the world.

Try to let go of the aims and be awake to the openness to what may unfold.

The process may feel strange at first, you may meet resistance in yourself.

Wait awhile, wait at least three moon cycles before you get distracted by your discomfort.

Feel the discomfort, the resistance in your body.

Open the conversation with your own precious body.

Aside from the discomfort what is your pleasure? Your joy? Your ease? How do they feel in your body?

Slow down to notice.

Our time has been hijacked by the patriarchal society in which we live.

Hijacked by artificial intelligence and social media.

We are conditioned to go too fast, to want too much, to give in to the voraciousness of our modern world.

We have so little time to do what we really need to do.

Diving into our own waters and finding our own deep rhythm of our tides, our ebbs and flows, takes a long time.

A long time of unlearning habits we have inherited.

Let us breathe together.

Let us support each other not to be exploited by the world we live in.

This can do us great damage:




Reflection, what the moon does best for us means time alone,

quiet time to feel and cultivate a relationship of unconditional love with ourselves.

Give yourself the same amount of love as you give away to others.

Keep this seed hidden, in the dark of the moon,

but well nourished with rich soil and good water.

There it will flourish, this seed of self love.

There we will find our own oracle.

Which all those we love, need us to have.


You can see more about me on my website My Story, but here I introduce what brought me to this journey:

One of my great teachers on this journey has been my own body:

some months after the birth of my twin boys (I was 41 years old) I went for a cervical screening test, and was told that I needed further tests on some altered cells.

Pre-cancerous, potentially.

At the time I was overwhelmed, exhausted and wondering if I could take any more.

I felt like I could not slow down or do less, I had two demanding baby boys who needed me and needed my body.

I turned to my oldest ally: the plant world, I turned to the mistletoe.

Mistletoe injections, the energy of this incredible plant, gave me the strength I needed to dig deep and find out how to slow down even when it felt impossible.

As my periods returned they taught me too, my moon time, my time to go within.

If I didn’t, I suffered and so did the rest of my family.

The journey continues.

The twins are nearly 5 years old,

I have settled into my early spiritual calling, into Biographical Counselling and anthroposophy (drawing from my many years as a Waldorf Teacher).

I have found a name for a lifelong practise of outdoor work and living and a framework within which to offer support to others: Ecotherapy.

I practise now as a Nature Based Facilitator and Mentor.

This journey of Mujer Ofrenda/Thirteen Moons is helping me weave many threads into the colourful pattern of my life.

And I am still focussing of healing my body, one day at a time,

looking at the symptoms she presents and noticing what helps and what hinders.

And daily asking myself the questions….

How do I loosen this tightness?

How do I breathe more deeply, more rhythmically?

How do I really let go?

How do I trust?

This can be hard for us to know how to do, how to recognise what this looks like.

What does our surrender look like?

In this masculine world of always driving forwards and onwards?

I hope you may find some answers within you during this journey.

I hope that some of the voices here may inspire you and help you find your regular practise and support.

Some of the individual women who brought me here, to embrace this journey:

Deborah…..the woman who brought me up alongside my mother, we became her adopted children, she sacrificed her own life for ours, she died young of breast cancer, I was 18 when she died.

Saffron……when I was 32 years old and questioning everything about my life, she took her own life. This tragic action of a woman I had grown to love left me with so many more questions that led me towards a love of life I may not otherwise have been able to nourish.

Eva…….she died at 38 years old, fighting cancer until the last, our paths crossed as we loved the same man, he later became my husband. She spoke to me of motherhood and creative sacrifice.

Patricia Delmar….my late mother in law and grandmother to my children (she features as one of the artists in the course).

Paloma…..precious friend of Eva, Lisandro (my husband) and myself. Spiritual godmother to Stanley and Tilo, our twin boys.

“Thank you Hattie and Paloma for this gift each month: the fruits of your wisdom, talent in communicating ideas clearly and appreciation of art and culture. I am very grateful”

“This is marvellous, deep work”

“I love the format of listening to the recordings, then reading the text, in this way, the most important questions for me resonate in my head for days, or weeks”

“It is a privilege to work with the legacy of these powerful women artists”

“The ideas come across so clearly as they are expressed in many different ways,
from different angles.”

“I often listen to the recordings and am amazed at the resonance with my life in that moment. This is ancient feminine wisdom from the depths of time”

“Thirteen Moons is a monthly journey deep into my core being which manifests outwards in so many different ways: physically, through art, and with more detailed attention to my doings.”

“Thirteen Moons is about: Connecting with our feminine energy, the energy of the earth, of the moon and of all the women who exist and have existed before us. Moving with the changes of the stars, conscious and wise, without resistance. A time to reflect and observe the creative force that resides in all of us, through the works of female artists who have left their mark on the earth through art, inviting us to awaken, to heal and to live without fear who and what we really are.”

“These profound ideas and concepts cannot fail to move you”

“Thirteen Moons is an invitation to be with our deep cyclical feminine nature with the beautiful guidance of monthly audio and written topics around what it is truly to connect to our feminine nature.”